- "5 New Sustainable Design Materials" by Luxiders, October 2020 - Link
- "Où est le beau ? x ELLE Déco, rencontre avec trois designers engagées" by Barbara Neyman, ELLE Déco, October 2020 - Link
- "Product designer Ariane Prin uses metal dust to create RUST homeware" by Charlie Smith, The Peep, April 2020 - Link
- "Les plus beaux cache-pots d'artistes et designers" by Aurore Lameyre, AD, April 2020 - Link
- RUST on Jesmonite Korea, April 2020 - Link
- RUSTILES on Material District, July 2019 - Link
- Interview for "DESSIN DESSEIN - le podcast du design // EP4 – Mains > Partie 2 : un design in situ" by Laure Choquer, June 2019 - Link
- "RUST: The elegant homeware collection by designer Ariane Prin" by Kala Barba-Court, Plain, March 2019 - Link
- "“Design? It means improving anything”. A conversation with Ariane Prin" by Maria Cristina Didero, Domus, May 2018 - Link
- COS Things by Harrie Edwards, April 2018 - Link
- “The design world is inspired by the colourful Italian terazzo and experiments with materials" by Baiba RÅ«Ä·e, City 24, March 2018 - Link
- “Material of the year: Jesmonite” by Sam Prosser with Jim Biddulph, Design Insider, October 2017 - Link
- "8 Material-Based Designers at London Design Festival 2017”, by Ellen Himelfarb, Azure, September 2017 - Link
- "Highlights from London Design Festival 2017”, Adrem, September 2017 - Link
- “London Design Festival 2017” by Jim Biddulph, Material Lab, September 2017 - Link
- "News and must-sees at the London Design Fair” by Il Foglio Del Mobile, September 2017 - Link
- “Botanical, geometrical and pink” by Claire Carponen & Anna Temkin, The Times, September 2017 - Link
- “Londra celebra la Jesmonite” by Fabiana Carboni, Cielo Terra Design, September 2017 - Link
- “Immense; breaking boundaries at London Design Festival” by Julienne Webster & Samantha Burke, .Cent, September 2017 - Link
- “RUST” by Gill Li, RAPAQ Point, September 2017 - Link
- “London Design Fair Announces The First Material of the Year – Jesmonite” by London Design Fair, Shoreditch Design Triangle, September 2017 - Link
- “Re-Make: a discussion on recycling in design” by Jim Biddulph, Material Lab, September 2017 - Link
- “Highlights from the London Design Fair 2017” by Arianna Trapani, Heart Home, September 2017 - Link
- “Jesmonite: Material of the Year 2017” by Chloe Frost, Stylus, August 2017 - Link
- “Jesmonite's in the spotlight: London Design Fair 'material of the year' to be celebrated in ambitious installation” by Barbara Chandler, Evening Standard, August 2017 - Link
- “London Design Fair 2017 will showcase projects from Europe, Asia and North America”, Dezeen, August 2017 - Link
- “Rustiles at London Design Fair”, Archiproducts, July 2017 - Link
- “Material of the Year: Q&A with Ariane Prin”, Zetteler, July 2017 - Link
- “Rustiles by Ariane Prin”, Archiproducts, July 2017 - Link
- “Best of Milan Design Week 2017” by Costas Voyatzis, Yatzer, April 2017 - Link
- "Ariane Prin creates regenerative design, rooted in it's site and community” by Purva Chawla, Material Driven, March 2017 - Link
- “A chat with Ariane Prin” by 5Vie art + design, March 2017 - Link
- “RUST by PRIN” by Aaron Peasley, The Present Tense, January 2017 - Link
- "Metallica: Artful Accessories from Ariane Prin” by Julie Carlson, Remodelista, January 2017 - Link​
- "Object of the Moment: Rust by Prin London” by Selin Ashaboglu, Architect Magazine, December 2016 - Link
- “Waste Collection” by Jill Macnair, The Chromologist, November 2016 - Link​
- “RUST Collection by PRIN London” by Caroline Williamson, Design Milk, November 2016 - Link
- “Diseño vivo” by Jessica Moreno, AD Mexico, October 2016 - Link
- "Ariane Prin's Rust collection changes over time as it oxidises” by Emma Tucker, Dezeen, September 2016 - Link
- "London Design Festival: Discover London’s Female Design Talent”, Makers, September 2016 - Link
- "RUST Collection by Ariane Prin” by Ray Hu, TL mag, September 2016 - Link
- "Ariane Prin - Freak del material", ARQ, August 2016 - Link
- "Design in the castle” by Maria Cristina Didero, Domus, June 2016 - Link
- "Rost als Konzept" by Marianne Kohler, Tages Anzeiger, May 2016 - Link
- "What can we learn from Ariane Prin‘s RUST collection?" by Anke Buchmann, Curating the contemporary, April 2016 - Link
- "Why Jesmonite is breaking the mould in home design" by Trish Lorenz, The Financial Times, February 2016 - Link
- "Maison & Objet 2016 : la tendance est au wild" by Catherine Maliszewski, Maison Créative, January 2016 - Link
- "In the frame: 2015's standout designs from around the globe" by Sujata Burman, Wallpaper, December 2015 - Link
- "Sustentabilidade: designer francesa cria peças com pó metálico" by Liége Copstein, Casa Claudia, December 2015 - Link
- "Ariane Prin’s RUST Collection" by Marushka Stipinovich, Elle Decoration South Africa, November 2015 - Link
- "Lust-Worthy Objects From the 2015 London Design Festival​​" by Sarah Medford, The Wall Street Journal, October 2015 - Link
- "Sobras de metal viram vasos, potes e bandejas" by Luisa Cella, Casa Vogue, October 2015 - Link
- "Pots, trays & vases created by mixing metal dust with plaster and eco-resin", The Method Case, October 2015 - Link​
- "8 London Design Festival 2015 Trends We Loved" by Ali Morris, Curbed, September 2015 - Link
- "London Design Festival 2015: Jesmonite​​" by Cajsa Carlson, Cool Hunting, September 2015 - Link​
- "Unique tableware from metal dust by Prin​​", Thisispaper, September 2015 - Link​​​​
- "What we saw at the 2015 London Design Festival​​" by Rae Blunstone, Sight Unseen, September 2015 - Link​​
- "Beautiful waste: The incredible work of recycling genius Ariane Prin​​" by Gemma Riberti, WGSN, September 2015 - Link​​​
- “Rust: Metal Composite Ceramics", by Emily Johnson, Stylus, August 2015 - Link
- "Ariane Prin mixes metal dust with plaster for Rust homeware range", by Emma Tucker, Dezeen, August 2015 - Link
- "Ariane Prin mixes metal dust with plaster + eco-resin to form Rust homeware​​", Designboom, August 2015 - Link​​​​​